Howdy, Texan. In this uncertain era of COVID-19, we want to provide you with information to navigate these stressful times. Below we have listed publicly-sourced resource docs with helpful information on where you may get assistance where you live in Texas. Most of these lists were not created by Texas Rising, but we think it […]
Black and Latinx Leaders of Texas Respond to Gun Violence in Texas
We, the undersigned Black and Latinx leaders of Texas organizations fighting for progressive change, represent millions of Texans who believe in the spirit and promise of our cherished home. We are sixth-generation Texans and first-generation immigrants, descendants of the enslaved and those who sought refuge in Texas for the promise of a better life for […]
President Trump, please let us grieve — you have no place here

The Texas Rising El Paso chapter formally extends its solidarity with Congresswoman Veronica Escobar and local leaders in the El Paso community in condemning President Donald Trump’s upcoming visitation to El Paso, Texas, following the recent El Paso massacre. Our stance is simple and our conscience is clear. On May 8, 2019, in Panama City, […]
A voting rights challenge from young Texans to Gov. Abbott and the Legislature
Each fall, just before the big UT-OU football game in early October, Gov. Greg Abbott will take to his Twitter account to argue Texas is better than Oklahoma. But when it comes to making it easier to vote, Gov. Abbott and the Texas Legislature are not only letting Oklahoma beat us, they’re also refusing to […]